My sincere commendation and thanks for your dementia portfolio. I am a physician who has been working in the area of dementia for over 30 years and your work has captured an essential something with these souls. In the words of Yeats 'beauty is truth truth beauty that is all you need to know'. I am chairing a conference in Toronto for medical directors working in the nursing home next month and would very much like to use some of these images. I expect that this is not possible but thought I would ask
once again thank you for your work. Beautiful
Paddy Quail
Good Morning Alex!
i found out your pictures thanks to this article http://www.repubblica.it/salute/2014/09/17/foto/alzheimer-95902878/1/#1 on an italian online newspaper.
I think your photos are stunning.
Deep, emotional, when i look at them i feel a real link to those person and i can imagine their story, their fool moments and their emotions. you did a really great job and i’m glad that i found out your website.
I’ve been working with elderly people, most of them with Alzheimer, for three years in a rest home so this pictures are really meaningful to me.
I don’t want to bother you with many other details (and sorry for my not-so-good-english) but i want to say something about me: my name is Giulia, i’m 28 years old, and last november i founded, with some colleagues/friends, a small cooperative company, we manage and organize health services (nurses, physiotherapists, educators) and we also organize training for workers. I feel that i’m very lucky because i do what i love and i work with a lot of people full of enthusiasm and passion.
We’re trying to organize a course for health workers to help them to deal with people affected by alzheimer’s disease.
When one of my workers suggested to organize this kind of training i immediately thought about your pictures that i saw 2 months ago. I feel they describes in a perfect way the disease.
I don’t how it works with copyright and stuff like that but i thought it would be fair to ask before using one of your pictures.
Anyway this was a great excuse to let you know how much i love your photos.
Thank you for your talent.
Have a nice day,
Hello Alex,
I am writing to say how much I have enjoyed looking at your photo’s of people living with Alzheimers. And, to get your permission to use the photo’s as part of a webinar for nursing home staff.
I would like to have the pictures be in a power point presentation that would run during the time our first speaker is presenting her information. The power point document will not be shared with anyone, and would only be on my computer.
The audience is nursing home administrators, Director’s of Nursing and other nursing home staff in the United States. There would be about 150 to 200 people watching the webinar. The topic of the webinar is Dementia Beyond Drugs…looking at ways to care for residents with Alzheimer’s without using antipsychotic medications.
Your name would be on each slide (Photographer Alex ten Napel lives and works in Amsterdam. He studied at the School for Photography in The Hague. .....© alextennapel 2014)
Thank you for considering this.
Sincerely, Carol
Dear Alex,
I just admired your fotos of people suffering from Alzheimer´s. Your portraits are very impressive. As a assistent of elderly people I guide several people that have Alzheimer´s.
Maybe you speak a little bit german than I invite you to visit my homepage. May I also ask you to use your foots and write some lines about your work. That would be wonderful.
Sonja Kunow